Spy party ideas for 10 year olds
Spy party ideas for 10 year olds

spy party ideas for 10 year olds

Alternate the body outlines, so some are on the wall and some are on the floor (like what you might see at a crime scene).

spy party ideas for 10 year olds

Poses might be standing on one leg, two arms raised high overhead, or a squatting position, and it helps to use your child in those poses as the model you tape around.

  • Walk the route and create a tape outline of a body in a specific pose every five feet or so.
  • Choose the route for your course, like around the living room.
  • To make this an outdoor obstacle course, make the outlines on large pieces of cardboard you can stand against trees or lay on the ground. To start, you'll need some painter's tape for this indoor obstacle course. This simple obstacle course uses body outlines in different shapes to help child spies hide in plain sight. Spies need to be able to blend in with their surroundings and hide.

    spy party ideas for 10 year olds

    The winner is the student with the most correct locations.Continue until all crimes have been solved.The next student can then hide their DNA and create clues.When students think they've solved the crime, they can sit back down and write down where the DNA is hidden on a slip of paper.The rest of the students must use the clues to figure out where the DNA is hidden.The clues should be left on the desk with the student's DNA.The hider student should make clues about where they hid the model.Once complete, the entire class sits with their heads down and eyes closed while one student hides the copy of their DNA model somewhere in the classroom.Each student or group should make a unique DNA structure, then make an exact copy of it.To start this STEM spy game, each child will need to make a DNA model using mini-colored marshmallows, licorice ropes, and toothpicks. Since each person's DNA is unique, it easily identifies who left it behind. When detectives and spies collect clues about who committed a crime, they often look for DNA.

    Spy party ideas for 10 year olds